
“Pasos”: a portrait of Agustín Santana

Agustín Santana (University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) is a highly regarded professor and tourism researcher very well-known in both Spain and Latin America by opening the academic subfield of Anthropology of Tourism and his leadership of PASOS project ( His book Antropología y turismo published in Spanish and its later revised edition in Portuguese, was a pioneer and seminal work for many generations of anthropologists and social scientists researching and teaching about tourism. His extensive contribution to the field of Tourism provides a comprehensive account of four decades of teaching, researching, supervising and disseminating knowledge about the inherent relationships between tourism, society and culture. In this context, as their supervised Ph.D. students and now colleagues, we are pleased to share our perspective on the relevance of his work and life for Tourism.

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