Um olhar multiespécies sobre as ruínas: reconversão florestal e diversidade sociocultural para a restauração de outros mundos possíveis, um estudo de caso na serra do açor em portugal
Present communication before the debater with the initial results of investigations in a variety of forms encountered by local communities and extra-human articulações, governments and lidar companies with single-culture problems, floral fires and various reconstruction processes of landscapes. An investigation into the “flowers” of eucalyptus and its revitalization in Serra do Açor in Portugal, seriously affected by a floral fire in 2017.The study seeks to reveal the diversity of narratives and solutions encountered to revitalize these landscapes and reconstruct/construct other worlds possible to have a monoculture, observe what manner of diversity, biology and cultural, aportam conhecimento de occupancy and reconstruction of ruins.This study is part of the Anthropology at the University of Lisboa and intends that the result will also be a digital component for dialogue, experience and disclosure of floral restoration in landscapes impacting eucalyptus lands, configuring the project as a contribution to our discussion. These are affected by climatic changes and changes in the central socio-biodiversity.The first six months of field work and the dialogues and sharing between the researcher and organized civil society, municipal government and co-owners of common lands will be reported and analyzed.